Saturday, April 25, 2015

So you want to know the best natural skin care tips, but don't know where to look? Fortunately I shall help you on your journey.

Skin care, like with anything, is a topic that is highly debated among users of the industry and potential consumers. Many people think that skin care is just as simple as putting a bit of cream on your face and arms and hoping for the best. The funny thing is however that a lot of these creams don't do much at all.

Now it may be all swell and well to just simply say 'well it doesn't worry me, cream works just fine'. And if it does, then so be it, but often times skin care cream alone will not be enough to completely alleviate your skins problems.

You see, the best natural skin care tips are the ones that involve caring for your skin by means other than skin care lotions alone. Whilst lotions and creams are important, there are other things you must do as well in order to ensure your skin is kept in the best possible condition. To start with, you should drink lots of water in order to ensure that your body remains hydrated, allowing the water to seep through to the various layers of your skin and keep them moisturized.

Everyone knows that un-moisturized skin is going to lead to dryness or cracking, which no one wants. Water is in free supply and is an entirely natural substance. Give your skin a rest from all the chemicals you put on it and try drinking at least eight glasses of water each time, this is among the best of the natural skin care tips that you'll find.

As well as drinking water, you should also eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. I know you mightn't have thought about it, but eating healthily can also determine how wealthy your skin becomes. Since your skin is an organ just like any other organ in your body, it is required that you look after it by eating lots of healthy food. Don't neglect this crucial step.

So by drinking lots of water, and eating healthily, you'll be able to keep your skin free of dryness in order to ensure that it remains as natural and beautiful as possible. Don't neglect these two important tips, and remember, most importantly, that lotions alone won't give you beautiful skin, it's a combination of the above three things that will.

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If you search online for skin care tips, you will literally find thousands of pages offering you advice. Some advice comes from doctors, but most comes from companies that want you to buy their product. There is one piece of advice that encompasses almost every tip that truly works, however.

The best skin care tip anyone can ever give you is simply, go organic. It may seem like a small tip, but in the paragraphs that follow, I will explain how following this one piece of advice can literally change the way you see yourself and skin care forever. First I will explain the most important reason to go organic.

Would you drink a bottle of pesticide if the company asked you to? How about drinking just a sip? Did you know that when you use most chemical based skin care products you are doing just that? Many skin care products contain ingredients that are also commonly used in pesticides and weed killers. Other chemicals, such as alcohols, fragrances, and dyes are less drastic but very damaging to the skin and body nonetheless.
Here is a fact you may not know. Anything you allow to be absorbed into your pores travels into your bloodstream. This means you are effectively eating every skin care product you use. Now that you know this, read the label on your current skin care products again. Would it be safe to eat all of these ingredients? If not, then you should not be putting them on your skin either.

Truly organic skin care is made up of only natural ingredients, which means you won't find any harsh chemicals or synthetic materials. Of all the skin care tips you have ever heard, you are now beginning to understand why the if you can't eat it, don't use it rule is one of the best. The reason I have already given you, however, is only the tip of the iceberg.

Another reason for my organic skin care tip is that organic products simply work better. Not all organic products are created equal, and you still have to consider how effective the individual active ingredients are, but the fact remains that any time you have a skin care product that does not contain ingredients that damage your skin, you are going to achieve better results. Now we will examine some organic ingredients that are on the leading edge of skin care science and how they can benefit you.

I am sure you have heard of keratin. Keratin is a protein that is created by the skin and used to help retain elasticity and heal wounds and blemishes. As we age, our bodies begin to produce less of this valuable protein. Many products claim to contain keratin, but there are two very different types, and it is crucial to know the difference.

The products that are available in stores use inactive or synthetic forms of keratin. While structurally similar to the skin protein, this version is unrecognizable to skin and therefore unusable. An inactive protein or ingredient is just that, inactive.

There is, however, a form of keratin available that works. Called functional keratin but produced under the patented name Cynergy TK, this protein is almost identical to the protein made by our skin, and because it is live and active, our bodies can use it as though we made it ourselves. Derived from the wool of New Zealand sheep, Cynergy TK is proven to reduce wrinkles and restore elasticity to the skin.

Another ingredient is active manuka honey. Loaded with antioxidants, manuka honey penetrates all layers of the skin to destroy large numbers of free radicals and provide noticeable results. In addition, the honey has strong antibacterial properties, which means it can boost the immune system and help fight off colds, ulcers, and heal cuts and burns. How is that for a skin care tip?

In summary, most skin care tips are truly for your benefit. The one given above, however, may be the most beneficial of all. I urge you to look into truly organic skin care products and try the ingredients listed above. The difference you will see in your skin is nothing short of amazing!

Pamela Brooks has been studying the skin care industry for over 15 years. She is a regular contributor to a site covering the very best quality skin care products on the market today.

Article Source: to uncover that perfect skin care tip? Judging by how many search results pop up so is everybody else. There are plenty of places where you can find good skin care tips, and here are a few of them for you.

TIP #1: The number one skin care tip that I can give you is to make sure to keep your face clean. Your skin picks up dirt and pollutants from our surroundings. Wash your face thoroughly both in the morning and at night, in order to prevent dirty surface film from building up.

TIP # 2: Some other good tips about cleansing you face are certainly in order. You should try to avoid products which use harsh abrasives in order to clean your face. These products will only irritate your face, and the scrubbing action will act to encourage the skin to increase the production of sebum, thereby leaving your skin excessively oily.

TIP #3: Skin care tips involving moisturizing the skin are also very important. Try to avoid moisturizing products that contain mineral oil, or petrolatum. These substances act to clog your pores, leading to the development of blackheads and acne.

TIP #4: A good skin care tip would be to advise you to seek out a moisturizer which contains pure, natural ingredients. Look for products containing grape seed oil, avocado oil, olive oil, or jojoba wax as ingredients. Some of the better products will contain all of these organic substances, and many more.
TIP #5: Let me give you a couple of good skin care tips involving the use of a deep hydrating mask. There is an excellent product on the market today which does not leave you stuck with a blue or green face for 30 minutes. This mask is visible as a natural tone, and the best part is that it disappears right into your face, so you don't have to worry about clean up.

TIP #6: The other skin care tip I was going to give to you involves the very same mask. The natural ingredients that make up this wonderful product make it far safer to use than most masks. The ingredients include avocado and macadamia oils, as well as New Zealand's much talked about manuka honey.

TIP #7: Aside from the other ingredients, it would be a sound skin care tip to purchase any product which contains active manuka honey This miracle is not only an excellent moisturizing ingredient, but it also supports skin cell renewal, assists in the formation of stronger collagen, and has high antioxidant properties. If that wasn't enough, the honey is recognized worldwide for its astonishing antibacterial and antifungal properties.
TIP #8: Now, I have a few skin care tips regarding protecting ourselves from the sun's harmful rays. Everyone knows that in order to afford your skin protection that it is valuable to use some sort of sunscreen. What a lot of people don't understand is that the constant use of these UV blockers also prevents the formation of vitamin D.

TIP #9: My last skin care tip would be to say that a better idea may be to find a cream that contained an emulsified blend of Coenzyme Q10 and Natural vitamin E. It"s called H-EQ10. This blend would offer the skin considerable protection from the sun's damaging rays, and as antioxidants, this unique blend would also act to repair the damage that the sun has already caused.

Margaret Bell is a dedicated advocate of living a healthy lifestyle and diligent researcher of skin care systems. Visit her site: to discover which genuinely natural skin care line Margaret recommends and uses after extensive comparisons. Be sure to sign up for her free Healthy Skin newsletter. This article may be reprinted on a blog or website if this resource box is included.

Article Source: wants to look older than they feel? Here is a look at some of the top skin care tips for reducing wrinkles, moisturizing dry skin, and shrinking those bags that appear under the eyes. Of course, the best tip will be the one that works for you! Try these on for size.

1. Don't smoke, and if you do, make every effort to quit. You already know that smoking is harmful to other aspects of your health. Slowing down the wrinkles is one more reason to kick the habit. It might not reverse the damage already done, but it is still an important skin care tip.

2. You do not have to wash your face frequently when you are getting older. Oiliness and acne are generally not the problem they were earlier. Frequent washing with soap is very drying, but warm water alone can do a wonderful job. Do be sure to remove your makeup before you go to bed.

3. With the recent improvements in anti aging skin creams, one thing that you may not have already heard is that many widely available products for aging skin contain a few important ingredients, but they are not used in a strong enough percentage to be effective. For instance, natural vitamin E is a great anti-wrinkle agent, but it needs to make up about one-half percent or more of the total skin cream. Few skin care creams contain this much of the vitamin.

4. A list of skin care tips would not be complete without this skin care tip: Use your skin care products regularly. If you use your moisturizer or night cream only once in a while, it won't have a chance to do its best to improve your skin. Use it every day faithfully.

5. Here's one idea you may not have heard. Your moisturizing cream will soak into your skin better if your skin is slightly moist and warm. A great time to apply skin care creams is right after you get out of the shower. Lightly pat your face dry, but don't get it too dry.

6. Skin care tips should remind you to handle your skin gently. One way you can do this is to remember to use your middle or ring finger to gently apply products to your face. Never pull on your skin or rub it hard. Sometimes it is easy to press too hard with the index finger because you use it for everything and it becomes strong.

7. Knowing the best diet to improve your skin and hold off wrinkling is another important skin care tip. Some foods you should eat for smooth, youthful skin are mono-saturated oils, fatty fish like mackerel, eggs, beans, whole grains, leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, low fat dairy products, and healthy fats like those found in olives, nuts, and avocados. In other words, like other health to-do lists, a list of skin care tips has to include that extra healthy diet!

Of course, the only skin care tips that will work are the ones you put into practice. The best tip might be simply to apply the tips!

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Skin care tips - there is good information to help you feel and look healthy. Do you have recurring acne or eczema, pimples, blackheads or cold sores? Did you inherit sensitive, oily or dry skin? Perhaps you are simply looking for tips in finding a greaseless moisturizer or how to get rid of wrinkles.

First determine your skin type

o most common in teenagers because of hormone shifts in adolescence
o prone to acne, blackheads, whiteheads and pimples
o use oil-free moisturizers to maintain a shine-free complexion
o keep skin very clean
o needs special cleansing with hot water and cleanser to prevent pores becoming clogged
o avoid harsh products that strip natural oils
o tight, rough feel and dull appearance
o problems caused by wind, extremes temperatures and air-conditioning
o ages more slowly
o wash face with a cleanser once a day - preferably in the evening
o rinse thoroughly
o pat dry with a soft towel - rubbing can irritate
o in the morning just splash cool water or apply a moisturizer
o baths and showers - every other day or less
o avoid using products that contain alcohol which can cause irritation
There are cleansers available which help reduce bacteria on the skin. There are alcohol-free toners that protect against environmental elements that can further dry the skin.
Most of us have this type, an oily area or T-zone across the forehead, nose, and chin with dryness on the cheeks. Ideally, one product for each of the areas would work but this is expensive and unnecessary. A simpler way is to use a cleanser for the central oily panel and dilute it with water for the drier areas. You may want to experiment a bit as the dry areas may not need as frequent moisturizing.
o control oiliness in problem zones to prevent breakouts
o keep cheeks well moisturized
Find good cleansing gels with a fusion of botanical extracts of aloe vera, sage, chamomile, vitamin A & E and essential oils. This is a product that will nourish and leave the skin feeling smooth and refreshed.
o thin or fine-textured and prone to allergic reactions
o reacts quickly to both heat and cold
o sunburns and windburns easily
o irritated often by temperature changes, some detergents, cosmetics and alcohol used on the skin
o may be red and blotchy, with visible surface veins
Use mild baby soap on the face, rinsing thoroughly and pat dry using a soft towel. Don't use makeup or perfume in case of a reaction without first trying it on the inside of the wrist.
Tips for Care of Normal Skin
Keep it clean using a products that may be fortified with effective antioxidants. The combination of vitamins A, C, and E and green and white tea makes this a perfect addition to any anti-aging routine.
Mature skin
o becomes rougher
o develops lesions such as benign tumors
o becomes slack (loss of the elastic tissue causes the skin to hang loosely)
o becomes more transparent with age (thinning of the surface layer of the skin)
o becomes more fragile with age (caused by a flattening of the area where the epidermis and dermis (layer of skin under the epidermis) come together
o becomes more easily bruised (due to thinner blood vessel walls)
o use a moisturising cream both day and night
o drink a lot of water every day
o avoid sun damage
o a short walk daily is good for circulation and encourages the transport of oxygen to all cells of the body
There are products that cater to the older person. Enjoy a good cleansing skin care regimen which contains UV filters that improve the skin's defences against the elements. Complement this with an antiaging product developed to fight wrinkles and other fine lines.

Antiaging Tips
Products containing Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) or Olyhydroxy acid (PHA) can help remove the outer layers of dead skin. This leaves your face looking fresher and younger in appearance. AHA and PHA are especially beneficial for wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, the two areas where women most like to see improvement.

The most important thing in preventing early aging is to protect yourself from the sun. Use a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. This will provide a shield against harmful UV rays. And make certain that the products do not contain anything that would cause potential allergies such as fragrance or PABA sunscreens.
It is wise to avoid smoking. The smoke and tar deprive the skin of the nutrients and oxygen it needs leaving it looking dull. Harmful free radicals form and weaken the collagen and elastin fibres, resulting in prematurely wrinkling.

Forget about Greasy Products
There are greaseless moisturizers on the market. Some contain hydrating oils and emollients with a pleasant scent. Find a non-greasy product that softens the skin and provides a defence against any weather. Some can be used as a foundation or without makeup and can be layered over other moisturizers.
Other formulations provide a non greasy and non-clogging product or the advantage of a non-staining moisturizer that can be used day and night.
Men - Tips for Good Care
Shaving should not be the limit of your daily care. Your skin is approximately 20% thicker than a woman's. Because of the sebaceous glands being more active, your skin tends to be much oilier. Proper skin care is essential to good health so that problems such as sun-damage, age lines or acne can be checked before they begin.

Gel for shaving is a much better option than shaving cream, which has air pockets that can lead to nicks. Apply clear since lathering produces the same effect as a cream and can be drying to the face. A swivel-head razor will decrease nicks, as opposed to a disposable razor.
Find a clear, non-foaming aloe vera based shave gel that makes it easy to maintain sideburns and other facial hair.

Choose the Right Product
Using a skin care product safely means being informed about the ingredients it contains. Stress, sun, wrong skin care and seasonal changes are some of the most common dilemmas. Get serious about identifying the problem so you can properly care for your skin.

As we grow older, we want to care for the skin that has protected us for so many years. Too, we see younger people struggling with potential problems that can be helped with the right understanding of their skin type and situation. With ongoing research, many more products and better understanding of their formulations we, the consumer, are the beneficiaries. The Internet has opened up a world to us to do our own individual research.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015 those in search of improved health and vitality, increased attention has been given to diet and exercise. We understand now that optimum health relies on proper nutrition and a commitment to consistent physical activity. Diet, especially, plays a significant role in our overall health; and the diet that our bodies best responds to is that which incorporates natural, whole - even organic - choices. Natural foods pack a punch of vitamins and minerals and do not contain chemicals, preservatives, or processed sugars. Experts agree that this is the healthiest diet we can put in our bodies. So when it comes to caring for our hair, it stands to reason that natural hair care will give us the best opportunity for healthy, beautiful hair.

Natural hair care generally refers to every day treatment for our hair using natural products with as little interference from chemicals and machines as possible. For instance, natural hair care starts with shampoo and conditioner that can be used on an every day basis and contains no chemicals that can dry out your hair. The best place to find such products is in a natural whole foods store or health food store. You will find a wide selection of natural shampoo and conditioner that contains ingredients found in nature - honey, milk, and plant extracts. Look for products that work with your particular type of hair - thin, thick, straight, curly, dry, oily, etc.

If your hair is particularly dry, you may need to also treat it with a periodic deep conditioning. Such natural hair care conditioners can also be found in natural whole foods stores. There are also a number of online resources that offer such products; websites devoted to natural hair and beauty products.

With a commitment to natural hair care comes a commitment to limiting your hair's exposure to unnatural environmental factors. Limit use of the blow dryer, curling iron, and flat iron as much as possible. Exposing your hair to this forced heat will only serve to dry and damage it in the long term. It is also important to limit your hair's exposure to the sun; wear a hat as much as possible when outdoors in summer sun.
Natural hair care requires only a little more effort to find products that work with your hair and to avoid those elements that can damage your hair. But taking steps to treat your hair well will reward you with beautiful, healthy hair for years to come.

For easy to understand, in depth information about natural hair care visit our ezGuide 2 Hair Care

Article Source: natural hair care products is the best practice for getting beautiful, strong and smooth hairs for a long term. Most of the hair care products available in the market today are not natural and are manufactured using different chemicals, synthetic materials and a very less or no composition of natural materials. These artificial products are though helpful for getting better hair but these might also be harmful for some skins and most importantly these products do not offer long term effectiveness, you have to use these products regularly to retain the better hairs.

Use of Natural Products

The benefits of using natural hair products are many as these products are plant driven components and are being used since millions of years. Natural henna, Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Shikakai (Acacia Concinna), olive oil, eggs, multani mitti (Fuller's Earth), reetha (Soap Nut or Soapberry), honey and avocado are some of the most used natural ingredients for hair and skin care products composition. Almost all of these products smell good since these includes flower or fruit components. Although most of the chemical products also smell well but this smell is just an outcome of the chemicals and synthetic perfumes which can never compete with the real natural things.

Long Term Effectiveness of Natural Hair Care Products
Natural hair products are alone enough to provide you a healthy growth of hairs and even for a long time. Natural products becomes more important for the hair care because the roots of the hair are alive parts and just like any other organ, these roots also require nourishment in order to sustain the healthy growth and natural functioning. The natural hair products are generally free of all side effects and are thoroughly tested many times since human beings are using these for generations. Another benefit of these products is that these can be used fresh as you can grow some of them even at your small home garden like henna plant, amla plant and Aloe Vera and if these products are utilized on regular basis in a proper manner then definitely you will get healthy, shiny, beautiful, long, strong and attractive hairs for the years to come.

Some of the best Natural hair Care Products
Natural Henna- It is also known as Lawsonia inermis, it is a plant with small green leaves and these leaves are used to make natural products such as powder, paste and gels. Henna is also used as products for creating natural hair colors along with the composition of other natural ingredients like shikakai and amla. In India, henna is a product which is used to adorn the hands and feet of a bride during a traditional Indian marriage.

Shikakai Powder- It is also known as acacia concinna, It is a small tree which grows in warm and dry places in central India. It is generally used as a powder which after mixing with water works as a hair cleaner and detangler. It is probably the world's only original natural shampoo.

Reetha Powder- Reetha is also known as soap nut or soapberry, It is a small fruit which after drying is grinded to make powder. It is generally used to remove the dandruff and lice from the hairs and to improve the facial complexion. It is used in Ayurveda preparations and herbal shampoo.

Multani Mitti- also called as Fuller's Earth, It is a natural way to remove impurities from your face and head. It can be applied during a bath just like a bathing soap. It is also used as an emergency treatment for removing the amount of poison absorbed by being in a touch with a harmful substance.

There are some other natural hair care and skin care products which are easily available in the market and at a cost less than the cost of artificial products.

Author recommends choosing natural hair care products like shikakai powder, amla powder, henna, natural lice products, Aloe Vera, honey, eggs and olive oil.

Article Source: hair care products on the market today contain chemicals that can cause damage to the hair. Hairsprays contain alcohol that dries out the hair and scalp that can lead to split ends. Shampoos have been known to strip the hair of natural oils so critical for a healthy luster and shine. Generally speaking, we usually purchase hair care products to enhance the health of our hair while attempting to achieve a certain look and feel. We buy products with the intention of cleaning our hair. Then we have to buy products that condition our hair because the chemicals in the shampoo we just used stripped away all the natural oils. Then we purchase styling products that further damages our hair, which may requires us to use hot oils and other artificial methods to repair that damage.

It is a vicious cycle that goes on and on and really does not provide any benefit to our hair, but does make a dent in our pocketbooks. With all the chemical damage that commercial hair care products cause, have you ever considered using all natural hair care products instead?

Natural hair care products do not contain any of the damaging chemicals that many commercially available products on the market contain. The thing is, many people seem to believe that natural products will not work as well as their chemically laden counterparts. This simply is not true with respect to natural hair care products. In fact, natural products generally work much better because you no longer have to counter the damage from chemical additives so prevalent in commercially available products. Natural hair care products are available for deep cleaning your hair, styling the hair and even for certain types of deep hair and scalp treatments. For every hair care product on the market that contains chemicals, there is a natural alternative out there that does not contain these unnecessary chemical additives and preservatives.

Some people believe that the price of natural hair care products is much too expensive to be affordable. First of all, you need to consider this. When you use any chemical based products on your hair you will have to buy another product to counter the effects of those chemicals. However, when you use natural products on your hair, there is usually no need to purchase additional. This ends up saving you money in the long run and significantly reduces your exposure to these chemicals.

You should, and will, need to check the ingredients used in the natural hair care products prior to purchasing them. The reason being is that some name brand commercial products are beginning to market their products as all natural, when they are actually still heavily loaded with synthetic chemical preservatives. The use of these preservatives essentially wipes out any benefits that may stem from the actual natural ingredients that are being used. So make sure that you look to see if any chemical preservatives are being used and avoid purchasing products that insist on including them.

Another thing to consider is the type of essential oils or herbal extracts that are being used with a natural hair care product. A good natural hair care product will not contain any oils or extracts from any plant that was subjected to artificial fertilizers or synthetic pesticides. This ensures that you won't have to be concerned about those chemicals ending up in your hair as well. An all natural hair care product should be just that; all natural, no chemicals, no fertilizers or pesticides in any form or fashion.

Naturally Skintastic specializes in finding truly effective Natural Products as alternatives to those found commercially. For more information about All Natural Handmade Soaps, please visit: NaturallySkintastic.Com

Article Source: effectiveness of modern, natural hair care products is known to all, because they are very effective in reducing hair loss and enhancing hair beauty. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and may deliver additional health benefits.

Balanced diets rich in vitamins and minerals are a must for hair health. In this regard, natural products are receiving increased recognition after years of neglect. Natural hair care products have become popular for both external and internal use. Besides, they have less chance of causing over-treatment and they rarely over-dry or over-condition your hair.

Using the right hair care and beauty products is essential for the look and health of your hair. But, the problem with natural hair care products is that you may find it difficult to choose one that is appropriate for you and your hair. Most of the products available in the market today, bear a "Natural" label, whether genuine or fake making it harder to find a good natural hair care product.

Four types of products make a medley of hair care items. The four basic natural hair care products are: hair cleansing products, hair conditioners hair remedies and hair nutrition products.
What Are Natural Hair Care Products?

Not all natural hair care products all natural. Products available in salons and over store counters are never 100% natural, because, for better results and preservation issues, they need to contain a certain amount of synthetic ingredients. The synthetic products can also provide better foaming, cleaning and emulsifying than 100% natural products. However, you can prepare some home made hair care products that are absolutely natural.

You might have come across some organic hair growth products and equaled that with natural hair growth products. However, they are different. Organic does not mean natural. You can prepare organic products synthetically and those products are not always safe, gentle and effective.

Some Natural Hair Care Products
Nettle Root Extract: It is rich in vitamins A and C, it is used as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase.
Saw Palmetto Extract: It is an effective anti-androgen and fights benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT. That's why it is good for the people in androgenetic alopecia.

Article Source: are several Causes of Hair Loss in Women and men and as there are a number of causes, there are also a number of Hair Loss Medications for Males and females available.

The most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia (males) which can also be called DHT Hair Loss. When testosterone, the male hormone, gets converted to DHT, it results in hair loss. Besides Anti-Androgen Medication, there are a number of Herbal Nutritional Supplements available which contain natural substances for blocking this transformation into DHT by the human body and are able to take care of hair loss. The active ingredients of these supplements are all-natural herbal, vitamin, and mineral DHT inhibitors. These natural hair care products contain no harsh chemicals and do not have sexual side effects which are very much evident in Hair Loss Medication.

The common hair care treatments available for females for normal hair care include shampoos, conditioners, whereas hair Re-growth treatment with Anti-Androgens and topical treatment with Rogaine are the only available options for female balding. There are many limitations of the anti androgen therapy, and the topical medication Rogaine which is more effective in preventing further hair loss rather than stimulating hair growth, is quite expensive and requires a long period of treatment (from 6 months to a year). Besides, the results obtained after a long period of use disappear after the treatment is stopped. In such situations it is best to explore the natural hair care secrets offered by many Natural Herbal Supplements and the Nutritional Health Vitamin Supplements.

Nutrition plays a very important role for hair care. The hair follicles which are in an active growth phase are strong and healthy compared to those which are in the resting stage. A steady flow of proper nutritional building blocks is essential for hair follicles to grow and produce healthy hair fiber. The follicles derive their nutrition from the blood. A balanced diet which has the natural vitamin supplements, proteins and mineral and health supplements is able to provide natural nutritional supplements to the hair follicles. If the already weak hair follicles do not get proper nutrition they become more prone to shedding.

These natural health supplements create an atmosphere where the tiny follicles beneath your scalp receive exactly what they need to create beautiful, full-bodied hair and also the power they need to sustain themselves when old.

Preventive care is the best form of treatment for any type of illness and hair loss is no exception. By providing the advantage of best nutritional and natural hair care you are sure to have a better control of hair loss.

Natural food supplements are the key to good health, and using natural hair care products and supplements are the best hair loss treatments for hair care.

Natural hair care secrets lie in taking a scientifically balanced mixture of Vitamins, Minerals and other Health Supplements which have long been regarded as effective for providing the right nourishment to the hair follicles and retain their vitality, natural color and the their potential for re-growth which can be lost due to both the internal and external causes.

Science has now unraveled the natural care secrets of phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, many of these chemicals have antioxidant capabilities greater than vitamin A, C, or E and the vitamins which have also been shown to be related with hair care. Many of these chemicals have anti-cancer benefits, and the good news is that there are thousands of such chemicals found in each fruit or vegetable.

Besides fruits and vegetables, nature has many herbs and plants which are able to provide natural hair care. Hormonal imbalance resulting from menopause is an important cause of hair loss in women. Besides menopause, hormonal imbalance is also caused during pregnancy, child birth, and is the cause of poly cystic ovarian syndrome in women, hormonal imbalance is also one of the main causes of hair loss in women.
Many of the herbs have the required natural supplements in them which are able to take care of most of the problems women face, so much so that they can be labeled as Women Health Supplements. These natural women health supplements are able to prevent hair loss due to menopause and are especially useful for women's health during the difficult phases of their life.

Harry john is involved with the hair growth research, he has also researched on topics like natural hair care, fast hair growth tips, hair loss medication and hair mineral analysis which actually are the gateway to healthy growth and maintenance.

Article Source:

Sunday, April 19, 2015 the years, the use of chemicals and synthetic ingredients in skin care and cosmetics raised serious health concerns in a large percentage of the population.

At the present time, there is an increasing demand for pure, natural and organic products for skin care and cosmetics. This is a beneficial stage of our healthy life style and skin care routine, which can provide long term skin care without side effects.

Many Companies are trying to compete to each, other to fulfill this increasing demand. There is also a high competition between those Companies to be number one concerning the safety of these products. This is a really difficult assignment, which sometimes make them improvise statements regarding the ingredients they are using in the preparation of those products.

For example some companies are listing only active ingredients under the name of ingredients omitting the questionable and chemical parts. In fact, preservatives and "other ingredients" used are the real issue for the safety of skin care products and this information is often omitted.

Because this particular field of skin care is relatively new, customers are not fully informed about what is hidden behind the so called "natural and organic" skin care products.

Due to my experience and expertise I found some very misleading information or lack of information regarding natural and organic skin care products. I believe that the consumer of natural and organic skin care and cosmetic products has the right to be informed.

The following are some of the important information which is not widely available to the public:
You cannot provide an organic or natural product made with oils and herbal extracts unless you are using an emulsifying agent. Oils and aqueous (H2O) solutions do not blend with each other.
You cannot use bees wax as an emulsifier unless you use borax, which is a chemical. These ingredients are usually omitted on labels.

You cannot preserve natural or organic skin care products with only Grapefruit seed extract, because this is appropriate for fungi and possible yeast and doesn't work for gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

You cannot preserve natural or organic skin care products only with citric acid or citric like ingredients unless pH (the acidic or base capability of a solution) falls below 5 (acidic), which is not recommended for the skin.
You cannot preserve the natural and organic skin care products with only Rosemary oleoresin extract, which is widely used in formulations due to its appealing natural name.

Companies which make those statements regarding the preservation of their natural skin care or cosmetic products may have difficulties with the self life of their products or they are deliberately omitting ingredients from their ingredients list.

Some companies advertise under organic or natural, skin care products, which contain only a low percentage of plant extracts or natural oils. In fact, the products are chemical and synthetic with one or few natural active ingredients.

It is not in the benefit of the consumer to be uninformed. Most consumers have chosen natural skin care alternatives due to sensitive skin, allergies to various chemicals or are cancer patients, which exclude all the chemicals from their every day life for their own benefit. In addition, there are many people who have chosen organic skin care products for their pure and non harmful content.

An organic and natural skin care Company has to be loyal to consumers and be trustworthy. Sooner or later consumers will find what is hiding under an "appealing" list of ingredients or a nice advertising campaign.
Conclusion: You as a consumer have the right to ask as many questions as you consider necessary to make sure that nothing is hidden from you under the so called ingredients list.

If you decide to try an organic or natural skin care product do your home work. Look beyond the fancy advertising and be aware of any company which is listing only herbs and oils for your convenience.
Most important get to know what you are buying!
Ask Questions, Get Informed !

C.E. Budu has two postdoctoral trainings in pharmacology and microbiology, a Ph.D. in Cell Biology and a Master in Biochemistry. She is the Founder of Active Herbal Cosmetics and Skin Therapeutics and  Her line of skin care products created only of Certified Organic herbs and genuine oils represents her continue dedication to satisfy the customer needs for healthy and radiant skin. Her innovative herbal treatments are meant to help people with skin problems all over the world.

Article Source: care is needed for problematic skin, while at the same time care should be taken to avoid damaging the skin with ultra violet rays. No chemicals have been proven to be smart enough to give desired results despite the loads of options that can be found in the market meant for skin care. In addition, severe side effects on the skin can be caused by these chemicals which tend to turn the problem in a different direction.

The natural skin care solution is the best option as far as skin care is concerned that one must consider. 


Basically this is due to the fact that natural skin care is a gentle approach to drive out the problems with a great effectiveness. In almost all cases of skin problems the natural skin care solutions are quite effective, putting more emphasis on making the skin able to repair itself by bringing out the skin's own balancing mechanism Beauty Tips.

How Do These Natural Skin Care Solutions Solve Problems?
A wide range of general skin care product categories focus on clarity products that nourish the skin to get fervor of vitality and balance. Typically these type of clarity products are medicated organic herbal waters containing essential oils, trace minerals, desired antioxidants and natural vitamins.

These natural skin care ingredients help feed the starving skin to strengthen the cells, repair the worn out condition by making the skin capable to heal and soothe and detoxify itself. One of the most desired foods for the skin are those with antioxidants along with Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E which help to fight the free radicals that have been proven to be the worst for the skin regardless of the category of the skin.

The best and most effective modes of treating the acne and the oily skins is by balancing the sebum oil secretion which can be accomplished by the natural floral oils extracted from the trees and the flowers of Lavender, Cedar Wood, Tea and Naiouli. These flowers also have oils extracted that can be astoundingly capable enough to fight the skin infections.

The scientifically planned skin treatment by the dint of the floral extractions that are involved in the natural skin care system hardly have any side effects like the harsh chemicals. Generally, renowned skin specialists avoid prescribing chemical drugs, ointments or solutions to apply on the skin. The best option to give skin a perfect touch of passionate beauty has been proven to be cleansers that combine oats, honey and earth Natural Skin Care.

Article Source: did my research and feel that natural skin care products, organic skin care products or aromatherapy products - whatever you would like to call them, do provide great benefits to your skin. I found out some startling facts about what was contained in the skin care products I had currently been using and converted to a natural skin care regime. Why did I change my ways? Well, just over two years ago I turned 50. The shock was not how old I was but how my skin had suddenly began to lose its elasticity and the ageing process had taken hold.

This couldn't be happening as I'd always had such a young appearance with lots of friends saying I always only looked around 35. Were they still saying this? I'd noticed that compliment hadn't come my way in some time so I decided to adjust my lifestyle and renew not only my vigour but perhaps what went into my body and onto my skin.

Firstly, I opted for a healthy balanced diet and lost a little of that excess weight I'd seem to build up from too much wining and dining with friends. I began to exercise - that really got the blood rushing to my facial tissues! Next I took a good look at the products I was using on my skin. Previously I had used many off-the-shelf products, ranging from moderately priced to expensive well-known brands. I had never tried natural skin care products before. I began to research all about natural skin care and found some alarming discoveries of the harmful chemical substances that were in many of the skin care creams and potions I had been using. Do a search on chemicals used in skin care and you will find out some shocking facts that should convert you to natural products forever!

My own research was a life-changing career path as I discovered the many fantastic benefits of natural skin care and of the potent and fantastic vibrancy to be found in organic skin care products due to the concentrated effect that the organic ingredients contained. It prompted me to create my own range of natural skin care products which I have called Essentially Me Australia. Today, I'm writing articles about natural skin care - who would have thought? The one thing however that confused me back then the most was how to decipher the skin care ingredients on packaging or claimed to be in products? Some of those names are very complex but what do they mean. Well, chemical ingredient lists are extensive so I'll leave this to you to do a browse and find out about all those harmful chemicals in skin care as I mentioned earlier, but for the natural ingredients that are beneficial - here's an overview:

A natural compound, found naturally in the skin of fish (especially wild salmon) is called DMAE or Dimethylaminoethanol. It is especially well known for providing excellent collagen support to outermost layers of skin. DMAE or Dimethylaminoethanol helps to tighten the skin providing a firmer skin reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Next we have a natural acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid, which is a very potent antioxidant that eliminates free radicals. Free radicals are one of the primary factors in the aging of skin and breakdown of skin elasticity. You can actually take Alpha Lipoic Acid internally as a skin supplement or apply externally. This wonderful natural acid dramatically improves the skin's appearance very quickly and visible results are evident within weeks.

How many times have you heard that Vitamin C is good for you? Well it is great for the skin - this is for sure. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is proven to increase the production and synthesis of collagen. In skin care it also protects the skin from sun damage, and even helps reverse the damaging effects that the sun has on the skin. This does not mean that a sunscreen can be abandoned but rather products that contain Vitamin C will actually be more likely to be able to neutralise free radicals. Vitamin C can be included in any skin care type product.

Lastly in my article I'd like to mention ,b>Retinol (a natural form of Vitamin A). Retinol is excellent in skin care products that are aimed to regenerate and rejuvenate skin. It is especially effective on sensitive skin since it does not cause redness or peeling.

Essential oils - so many that are fantastic for the skin. Natural oils used as a base in skin care should be cold pressed. The most beneficial plant oils (like rosehip, borage and evening primrose oils) are polyunsaturated, which means they oxidise and go rancid fairly quickly (about 6 months) so some natural products actually use synthetic preservatives and a natural preservative for example could be wheatgerm oil.

Some common natural 'safe' ingredients you may see listed are: Aloe vera, purified water, cold-pressed oils such as jojoba, safflower, sweet almond, olive oil and so on, herbal extracts, non-gmo lecithin, calendula, essential oils of various types, cocoa butter, shea butter, beeswax, clays, d-panthenol and of course the other ingredients mentioned earlier to name a few.

Finally we suggest you avoid skin care products that contain the following: mineral oils, petrolatum, propylene glycol, parabens, phthalates, SLS and SLES.

I invite you to and I encourage you to take a look at just what you are putting into your body and onto your skin. Also feel free to visit my own site for Natural Skin Care Products | Organic Skin Care Products.
Annie Weatherburn of Essentially Me Australia
Annie has a Diploma in Aromatherapy and Herbal Medicine and is committed to creating natural skin care products that regenerate, renew and repair skin of all types and conditions.

Article Source:

Introduction human skin is the largest organ of the human body. It not only has quite a complex structure, but also performs several life sustaining functions.

We can live without a Spleen, Gall Bladder, or an Appendix, and we can survive with only one Kidney or one Lung, but we cannot survive without our skin. As a result it is of the utmost importance that we take care of our skin.

Using natural skin care products is a good first step in providing the skin with the right nutrients and building materials to retain its health and functionality.

What Does Our Skin Actually Do for Us?
Our skin has many functions, most of which we are unaware of until something goes wrong. They include:
•    Regulation of body temperature;
•    Protection against the elements;
•    Sensation;
•    Excretion;
•    Immunity;
•    Blood storage and
•    Synthesis of Vitamin D.

If you want to read about these functions in more detail you can have a look at this article: "Anatomy & Physiology of the Skin".

In summary, these functions provide us with awareness of our surrounding climatic environment, protect us against some of the bacteria and other potentially harmful bugs in our surroundings, allow us to experience touch and feel, eliminate toxins from our body, store blood, and provide the means for our body to obtain vitamin D while protecting our body from the sun's UV-rays.

Considering these vital functions our skin has to perform, it is no surprise that we need to look after our skin and make sure it is given every opportunity to function properly and remain healthy.
Why You Should Choose Natural Skin Care Products?
With all the media and news reports warning consumers of the potentially toxic ingredients in many of the commercially available skin care products sold in supermarkets and department stores, this is an easy question to answer.

Firstly, many of the commonly used skin care products contain artificial and/or synthetic ingredients that the body has difficulties in eliminating, and as a result it tends to store these chemicals in its tissues. Research has shown that the accumulation of many of these substances can have serious health effects.

If you are interested in learning more about some of the toxic chemicals used in skin care products, please read the article " Potentially Toxic Ingredients In Skin Care Products". It will provide you with much information and research references for you to be able to identify what is in your skin care products and what should not be there.

Holistically natural skin care products do not contain artificial or synthetic ingredients. They should also not contain isolated, concentrated, natural substances, such as parabens (pseudo-natural preservative) and the like, that have been shown to be potentially hazardous.

How To Choose Natural Skin Care Products That are Safe and Effective?
This is where it starts to get really difficult. You see, many so called natural or organic skin care products are in reality nothing of the kind. Adding a minuscule amount of aloe vera to water does not constitute a holistically natural skin care product. It may be 'natural' or even 'organic', but it will not be effective and therefore is a waste of your money.

To have an effective aloe vera product for example, it requires at least 10% of the overall content to be aloe vera. Or, the aloe vera needs to be combined with several other active, natural ingredients that are combined to achieve a specific result.

The term 'Organic' is another area where consumers are being misled. Adding a single 'organic' ingredient and then calling the products 'organic', is quite simply wrong. You see the commercials on television and magazines every day... "xyz product contains organic this and organic that"... but no mention is made of the other ingredients that are contained in these products, many of which have been shown to be hazardous to our health.

There is yet another problem with natural skin care products, that is an area of confusion and potentially misleading. Just ask yourself what exactly is "natural"? What is actually meant by the term "natural"?
The word 'natural' congers up images of nature - pristine environments that make us feel good. A safe, natural environment that is conducive to health and a sense of wellbeing. Spring water, waterfalls, pristine lakes, a healthy salads, Rainforests, etc., are all images that we perceive as 'natural', or in other words 'good for us'.

The cosmetic industry has ceased on this and is using the word natural to instil in their advertisements a sense of wellbeing and the idea that this product is good for us. Unfortunately, one or two natural ingredients does not a natural skin care product make... Far from it, natural skin care products should not contain any ingredients that are not naturally sourced. This brings us to another problem with natural skin care products.
A naturally sourced ingredient, such as the various forms of paraben, may still be potentially hazardous. Just think about it - would you put arsenic or lead on your skin? No of course you wouldn't. But, they are natural, so what's the problem? Natural substances too can also be deadly poisons.

Applying this to skin care products, you might be looking for a product that is natural and contains AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids), which we know help to remove dead skin cell layers which in turn helps to remove fine lines and wrinkles, revealing new vibrant skin.

Now, you could buy a product that lists as one of its ingredients AHAs, it might even contain AHA in its name, or you could buy a product that contains a concentrate called papain, which is a natural substance from the Papaya fruit. So, yes papain is natural and yes this product could, depending on other ingredients, be called a natural skin care product. However, papain is a concentrate and as such many people have experienced side effects because the papain is present in too high a concentration for some people.

A truly, holistically natural skin care product would not contain papain as an extract. Rather it would contain Papaya fruit itself. You see, the whole fruit still contains papain, however, it also contains other ingredients in the papaya that modify the excessively strong effect of the papain. Choosing such a product will, at least to a large extent, reduce any potential side effects from the papain, because the product is naturally balanced and contains naturally balanced ingredients that will benefit your skin rather than burn it.

The results of removing fine lines and wrinkles may take a little longer, but are overall better and you reduce the chance of 'burning' your skin with a concentrated AHA. Remember AHA stands for alpha hydroxy acid and we all know acids burn our skin.
How To Use Natural Skin Care Products?
Following directions
This is actually a lot more important than most people think. Directions for use are a communication by the manufacturer of a product to their consumers about how to use and get the best results from a particular product.

It has been our experience, that most people who purchase our natural skin care products do not read the directions and use our products the same way that they have been using their previous brand. This however, may or may not be the correct way to use our products.

Properly formulated products contain ingredients in sufficiently high quantities to achieve a desired effect if used in accordance with the product's directions. Using more does not mean better or quicker results, rather using too much can have adverse effects or no more effect than the lesser quantity.
Conversely, if for example, the product's directions suggest that it be used 2 or 3 times a day using it merely once is not likely to produce the desired effect in most cases.

This is obvious when we think about taking medicine. We read the directions and take the drugs, herbs, or what ever, as prescribed and hopefully we get the desired result.

So why is it that we do this when it comes to taking medicine, but ignore it (for the most part) when it comes to using skin care products or other personal care products?
Reading the instructions carefully and following them ensures that a) you are not wasting your money, and b) you should get the desired results.

Good and Bad Reactions from Using Skin or Personal Care Products
There are several possible reactions you may experience. There are good reactions and negative reactions. Let's look at good reactions to begin with.

Good Skin Reactions to New Products
Herbs, essential oils and most of the other ingredients that you'll find in our range of products have a medicinal actions and are included for a specific purpose, that is, the formulations that make up our various products were originally designed to treat particular skin health issues. This intent, though we do not actively promote this, continues to this day.

As you probably know, there are three basic skin types; Normal, Oily and Dry. In addition, your skin may also be sensitive, prone to allergic reactions or under the influence of hormonal changes that are taking place in your body. The herbs and essential oils in our products are specifically chosen to normalize the skin given one of the skin types. The herbs and essential oils will have a therapeutic effect on the skin's structure and function in order to provide an environment under which your skin will start to function normally again.

Similarly this is relevant for sensitive skin that tends to react inappropriately to different stimuli. It is possible, for example, that an individual with sensitive skin who is using our products for the first time, will experience a reaction which they may see as being a negative reaction.

This however, may well be totally the opposite to what is actually taking place. You see, in order for your skin's health to improve, it has to change. This change may appear at first as a worsening of a particular skin issue and this will understandably be interpreted as a negative.

Under normal circumstances however, this type of reaction, if the products are continued with, will only last for a few days and following this time the skin will improve and end up much healthier. This process is sometimes referred to as 'A healing crisis', and is actually a good thing to happen.

It signifies that the ingredients are doing what they are supposed to, that is they are repairing and normalizing the skin's functions. This is a normal and in fact good reaction.

Bad Skin Reactions to New Products
Obviously there are times when a new product may actually cause a bad skin reaction. Unfortunately a bad reaction often appears very similarly to a good reaction. So how can you tell the difference and what should you do?

The first thing to do when ever you purchase a new skin or personal care product is to test it to see if you have any adverse reactions to this product. Below is a detailed outline and links that will provide you with all the information you need to test a new product in order to determine whether or not your skin is going to react adversely to it or not.

Test the Products to Avoid Allergic Reactions
Another important aspect to using any skin care, personal care or cosmetic products, whether they are natural or otherwise, is to test the products first in order to see if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
To do this, follow the steps described in our article "The Skin Patch Test", which will provide you with a simple, yet effective step-by-step test that you can easily do at home over a 24 hour period, to reasonably ensure that you will not experience major adverse reactions to the ingredients in products you want to use on your face, or anywhere else on your body. This test is simple and very effective.

Finally, before you purchase a product, look at the ingredients list and see if the ingredients are easily recognisable. As a rule of Thumb, if the ingredients are easily recognizable it is more likely that the ingredients are of a natural source and have not been excessively modified. If on the other hand you need a chemistry degree to understand what the ingredient is, it is likely not to be a holistically-natural ingredient. It may still be a natural ingredient, but it is likely that it has been isolated and is used in a concentrated, possibly even synthetic form.

For the most part, most 'natural skin care products' widely available in the market place are far from natural or that matter organic. Most have minimal quantities of some natural ingredient in an otherwise non-natural product and are referring to the one natural ingredient in the product, rather than the nature of the product itself.

Hopefully this article will clarify some of the confusion that exists about what is a natural skin care product and what is not, help you to choose natural skin care products that will actually live up to your expectations, and clarify why using natural skin care products is a healthier choice.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Find more information on natural and organic skin care in our Article Library.
© Wildcrafted Herbal Products 2008

Article Source: days many consumers treat synthetic ingredients in their skin care as potentially harmful, and so they should.

If you are asking yourself whether natural skin care products are the answer to all your skin care problems? The answer is a definite Yes. I have not come across a single skin problem that cannot be addressed equally well using natural skin care products as using any other types. Admittedly, I've only been in practice for just over 20 years, however, so far I have yet to see a skin condition that cannot be treated using a natural approach, excluding of course emergency medical conditions such as severe 3rd degree burns over large parts of the body, etc.

In an article I can across recently, entitled "Are Natural Skin Care Products the Answer To All Problems?", the author asks the following questions:

So, are natural skin care products the answer to all of our problems? What if a natural skin care product is not available for the treatment of a particular skin disorder? Are the synthetic skin care products so harmful that they should be banned?

The answer is No natural skin care products do not fix all of our problems. Maybe the author should have asked, are natural skin care products to answer to all our skin care problems? - then the answer would have still been No, and neither do any other skin care products on the market today - natural or otherwise.
Not all skin problems can be treated using some topical application - Many diseases such as measles, chickenpox, herpes and many more are diseases, which as part of their symptomatology, have a skin component. To think that using natural skin care products or for that matter a synthetically formulated skin care product could treat this types of conditions is ludicrous.

Sure, combine your internal medication (natural or drug-based) with a good quality, natural skin care product to address the itching, irritation and redness, etc., but don't think for one moment that a skin care products is going to effect the chickenpox virus or any other infectious disease.

Similarly, skin problems just like any other long-term disorder have a multi-faceted complexity and require a systemic approach to treatment.

If on the other hand we are simply referring to dry, oily, mature or sensitive skin, than there is no need for synthetic chemicals. Nor is this the case in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis or similar conditions, unless they are of a genetic origin - then there is very little that can be done other than symptom control, which natural skin care products can do just as well as any synthetic equivalent, if not better.

You see most mass-produced skin care products, whether they are 100% natural skin care products or have a synthetic component, will not work on any condition that has an internal disease process involved. For example a hormonal imbalance may cause acne. This acne will persist until the hormonal imbalance is corrected.

Similarly, viral infections can cause skin rashes and they will persist until the viral infection has been addressed. Again, sure use a topical ointment or cream for the rash and yes, make sure it is a natural skin care product, because you don't need to introduce more chemicals into the body, which it may have difficulty in utilising and/or eliminating.

In the same article, the answers to the above questions states:
Different people have different answers to these questions. However, the reality is that due to presence of synthetic preservatives, it's really tough to find a natural skin care product that is 100% natural. There are natural skin care products that have natural preservatives, but their cost might be detrimental. Moreover, such natural skin products have a shorter shelf life and hence are not preferred by the manufacturers of natural skin care products.

Firstly, 100% natural skin care products are really not hard to find. There are dozens of companies that produce good quality, natural skin care products and they can be found using Yahoo, MSN or Google without much difficulty. Yes, they can be expensive, but they are no more expensive than similar, products containing synthetic chemicals produced by major brands such as L'Oreal, Lancôme, and others. In fact, most are a lot less costly.

Secondly, just because a natural skin care product has a natural preservative does not make them any more expensive. I should know, as we make a large range of natural skin care products and have done so for over 20 years. We supply customers all over the world, as well as our own patients, and over 80% of our customers have been long-term customers. Some of our products use natural preservatives such as Grape seed Oil or Wheat Germ Oil and neither of these oils are very pricey.

In addition, Essential oils are some of the most powerful antiseptic substances around, some are also have powerful antibiotic properties and if used correctly, they will preserve natural skin care products for at least 2 to 3 years without any trouble. Furthermore, many of our natural skin care and personal care product contain herbal extracts. Herbal extracts are by nature alcoholic and alcohol is a very good preservative. So you see, good quality natural skin care products do not need to have preservatives (synthetic ones) added to them.
This author further states:

Some people carry a wrong notion that since natural skin care products are natural, they cannot cause any harm to the skin. The suitability of a skin care product is not based on whether it is synthetic or natural. An unsuitable natural skin care product can harm you in almost the same way as a synthetic one. So, use natural skin care products, but be open to synthetic ones too (you might need them when a natural solution is not available)

Sure, we all know that nature produces powerful substances and some of these are the most potent killers if we are exposed to them - strychnine is an example that comes to mine, but any substance found in nature has the potential to create problems, some more serious than other. Why else would herbalist have to be trained for years if you could take any old tea and drink it to your heart's content?

Many people have allergies to all sorts of chemicals (I mean naturally occurring ones as well as synthetic ones). However, that is not the product's fault, these people unfortunately for them have a hypersensitivity to particular substances and their immune system needs to be treated. DON'T use a synthetic substitute - the natural substances are just as powerful as synthetic chemicals, why do you think is it that modern medicine still uses morphine-based drugs to treat severe pain? - there is no synthetic substitute that is more powerful a pain killer.

Natural skin care products that have been properly formulated to target a specific skin care need, are safer, usually more effective and cost no more than their synthetic counter parts.
When ever you choose to buy a new product which you use on your skin be it a natural one or not, you should consider the following:

•    Always look at the ingredient list and see if there are any to which you may be allergic.
•    Before you start using a product apply a small area of your skin first to see if you have any undesirable reaction. You may be allergic to something in the product, which you are not aware of and this may or may not be a natural substance.

•    Know what the product does and what it is indicated for before you buy it.
•    Choose products to suit your skin type and your skin's needs.
•    If you are not sure, ask the manufacturer, write them an email or ring them up and ask them to explain or help.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you. Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter – it’s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.
© Wildcrafted Herbal Products 2004 - 2005

Article Source: answer to that question is, "Of course you are!" However you may still want a few beauty tips that may help you feel even more beautiful than you already are. Maybe you would like a few natural beauty tips as well? Take a look below to see a few beauty tips and a bit of beauty advice that you will probably find most useful.

A bit of beauty advice first: Don't be afraid to get a makeover if you feel your make up isn't quite working anymore. Remember as the seasons change, as you grow older, or even as life events change, they can all affect how you look. Skin tone and colors can darken or lighten, Hair color can do the same. So stop in and get some expert advice on the right colors for you whenever you think things look a bit off.

A single beauty tip: Remember - as a general rule: less is more. That has always been true. Apply your make up with that in mind. Keep to a hair style that does not have everyone just noticing your hair. Blend and harmonize.

That beauty advice needs to be stressed again. Less is more. Interestingly, most men are not attracted to an overly done woman. He falls in love with the real you, don't try to fake him out. Do what you can to make yourself look great, without overdoing it!

A few natural beauty tips:
o Walk tall. Keep your head up and your shoulders back. Your good posture not only allows energy to flow through your body better, but it also can help you look a bit slimmer.
o Keep your body toned with an exercise program that does not build bulky muscles.
o To prevent dark circles under your eyes, try sleeping with two or three pillows.
o Keep a positive attitude and a happy outlook. Angry or antagonistic attitudes, postures, and countenances cause your beauty to dissipate, and make the wrinkles come a whole lot sooner.
A few more beauty tips:
o Use a good facial soap - splurge on this!
o Make sure you keep your skin toned and moisturized
o If you are in a hot, dry, sunny climate, keep your sun block on!
o Use a sun block designed for the face on the face!
o Whenever you wear perfume, you must make sure that the scent works with the chemistry of your body.

Not all perfumes work for all women!
When you step back and think about all the beauty tips and beauty advice there is available to you, there is always one very important message, which is to keep yourself in good health - that includes proper nutrition, rest, and attitude. It includes a rewarding exercise program is also essential to staying fit and helping to keep off unwanted pounds. These free beauty tips really help you live a long life, and not just look great!

Article Source: girl strives to look her best. While this practice is excellent to boost one's self-confidence, it may play havoc on one's pocket, looking at the sky-rocketing prices of beauty products in the market today. Have you ever wondered what enhanced the beauty of the generations of women before us, when beauty products were not so common in the market and there was literally no cosmetic industry? Simple! They just raided their kitchen shelves and refrigerators for natural beauty enhancing ingredients and you can do so too! It's not only inexpensive but completely safe as well! So, feel beautiful from head to toe with these tried and tested natural beauty tips for girls:

Remove cellulite with a coffee-sugar scrub

Just mix 2 cups of ground coffee, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, and 2 tbsp of olive oil. This will not only remove all the excess fat from the body, but leave the skin feeling soft and silky too!

Anti-dandruff treatment with apple cider vinegar

Spray apple cider vinegar onto your scalp before washing your hair. Leave the vinegar on the scalp for about 5 minutes and then rinse your hair. This will help you get rid of dandruff.

Remove blackheads with lemon and honey
Cut half a lemon, mix the juice with 3-4 drops of honey and then rub the same on your nose and other blackhead-prone areas. Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes, then wash it with cold water. Not only will this instantly help you get rid of blackheads, but lemon will also help fade other marks/spots on the face and honey will moisturise the skin.

Coconut mask for nourished hair
Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a little bit of honey. Warm up the mixture and then massage it on to your scalp, using slow and circular motions. This will not only nourish the scalp and the hair roots, but also improve blood circulation and promote hair growth.\

Whiter teeth with baking soda and lemon
This is the most popular natural beauty tip for a sparkling smile. Mix baking soda with some lemon juice. Dip your toothbrush into this paste and brush your teeth with it. Rinse after a few minutes. Give way to naturally white teeth within minutes!
Avocado hair mask for split ends
This is the perfect treatment for nourishing your hair, repairing any damage and making them shiny and lustrous. Just make a paste of avocados and honey and mix it well before applying it to your tresses. Rinse off after about 20 minutes.

Scrub for cracked heels
Add 4 tablespoons salt or sugar in 1/2 cup of almond oil with a little bit of milk. Scrub your chapped heels with the same after soaking them in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Discover beautiful feel within minutes!
Cucumber and lemon mask for fair skin
Mix cucumber juice, lemon juice, turmeric and rose water, and apply the same to your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

So the next time you feel like pampering yourself, use these natural beauty tips to look your best!
Seema Rani is an expert writer who loves to write about beauty care tips, skin & hair tips. Check out her latest article on how to get glowing skin naturally

Article Source:

Why the average woman spends so much on crèmes and lotions beats logic. Millions of dollars will be spent worldwide on beauty products in an effort to stop the inevitable...the loss of beauty that comes with ageing. There are those who will go to extremes of cosmetic surgery, liposuctions and injections to stop looking aged.

Agreed, beauty is not just the whims of women, it has a lot to do with her self-esteem and confidence as well. But the above isn't required; women can take care of themselves far better incorporating some Natural Beauty Tips and ideas in her daily life.

5 Natural Beauty Tips for a Healthy Body:

Drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday helps flush out toxins from the body that damage skin and hair.

Eating lots of fruit and vegetables gives the body the necessary vitamins and minerals that help rejuvenate skin and hair. Carrots, oranges, apples and cucumbers are great for the hair, skin and nails.
A diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (fish) helps condition the body.
Regular exercise helps keep the body fit and the metabolism high which is great for the body. A regular

30-minute walk can work wonders for your health. Exercise makes you feel young and look young.

Regularity is important. Exercising twice a week, or drinking 10 glasses of water when you wish, is not going to help.

5 Natural Beauty Tips for a Beauty Regime
Got an oily skin? Wash the face with ice-cold water before and after rubbing a slice of tomato on your face.
Get rid of the artificial bleaches. Naturally bleach your face by rubbing a slice of lemon or potato on your face every alternate day. Avoid lemon if your skin type is dry.

For dry skin, use the cream of milk to rub on your face, hands, or legs. Cream acts as a natural moisturizer.
Wash your face regularly with gram flour. Gram flour removes dirt and acts as a natural scrub. For dry skin, use cream with white flour to rub of dirt. Finish with gram flour scrub.

Soapnut works as natural shampoo for your hair leaving it smooth and conditioned. Use drops of lemon or curd to get rid of dandruff; beer for shine.

Stress in personal and professional life, lack of sleep, proper diet and exercise are some of the reasons why the body may deteriorate before its time. Wearing make-up, as most women have realized today, is not enough to mask wrinkles, dark circles and worry lines on the face.

Natural Beauty Tips, like those mentioned above, help women lead a healthy lifestyle. When the body is healthy and the mind calm, it shows on the face. Women must understand that natural beauty does not come from a flawless complexion or perfect features. It comes from within; a happy soul and a smiling face filled with warmth and laughter.

In the end, ageing is a natural process. No amount of age-defying or anti-wrinkle crème or gels, injections or liposuction can stop the inevitable designed by Mother Nature. Women who accept this will live happier.

For more information on natural beauty tips, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the beauty tips for hair!

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There are many natural beauty tips for face and neck, where many can have great results some are no more than just old wives tales. The cosmetics industry are billions of dollars a year industry often packing up natural beauty treatments, branding these and charging unbelievable prices.

Natural Face Masks

These are more than just some trick for a woman to get her "beauty rest". It is a very important and essential part of skin care and is advised it should be done at least once a week. Where it is not essential to go mad putting a mask on every night a weekly session will defiantly see vast improvements in energizing and keeping your skin moisturized as well as warding off any skin disorders. This would be one of the most important natural beauty tips for face and neck for everlasting results.

A facial mask is applied thickly and can come in the form of a cream or gel. The cream when applied to the face can resemble clay like substance and is not always suited for every type of skin. The gel can be much more suited to sensitive skin as the clay type substance can irritate some skin types. Again knowing what best suits you are one of the first natural beauty tips for face and neck, which can help and improve your looks for a long time to come.

The reason a facial mask is the best natural beauty tips for face and neck because it deep cleans the pores as well as using moisturizing ingredients to keep the skin smooth and remove any dead skin cells resulting in clearer healthier skin possibly tightening up to remove fine lines and wrinkles. Healthier skin cells exposed to sunlight helps to give that younger healthier glow.

More natural beauty tips for face and neck is the use of facial masks in such a way to achieve soothing and relaxing motions not unlike a facial message. This is certainly a benefit of using a spa or a qualified beauty therapist. If you are doing this yourself make sure you firstly wash your face in warm water to open the pore before applying your chosen mask.

Applying the mask
After you have washed your face apply your mask in small circular motions and let the mask sit for a minimum of 20 minutes, the longer the better. This can be particularly calming in a candle lit room with soft music, then rinse in cold water to close the pores and make you feel stimulated.

Make a Natural Facial Mask
One of the best natural beauty tips for face and neck is to make your own facial mask. From ordinary home products like bananas, honey or avocados. Fruits, yogurts or milk are also very popular to soften the skin.
You wont regret using these natural beauty tips for face and neck, as the results will show for themselves.

For more information on natural beauty tips for face facial masks and makeup advice visit the website

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